An old-young man with hair which dangled over his shoulders and the heaven-preoccupied gaze of some eighteenth-century abbe was sweeping out a discotheque at the corner of little compton street as castle went by . 卡斯尔走过小康普顿大街拐角时看到一个老成的青年,披散着头发,象个十八世纪的神父,正在聚精会神地打扫夜总会的舞场。
An old - young man with hair which dangled over his shoulders and the heaven - preoccupied gaze of some eighteen - century abb ? was sweeping out a discotheque at the corner of little compton street as castle went by 卡瑟尔走过小康普顿接角时,一名男子正在清扫位于接角的一家迪斯科舞厅;这个人看上去中年光景,一头长发散披在肩上,眼神像十八世纪法国神甫一样充满虔诚。